Small clear cellophane bags are some of the best decorative wrappers for small items. They look like thin plastic bags, but they are not really plastic. These bags are made from a natural plant material called cellulose and therefore decompose the way plants and trees do. Small clear bags are ideal for food storage as well because they protect the edible contents from moisture and grease, including bacteria and fungi.
Unlike conventional wrappers which are known for their complicated and time-consuming wrapping procedures, small clear cellophane bags are popular because of their quick and easy way of packing articles. Aside from that, these bags are also different over other wrappers in that they are generally earth-friendly and do not contribute to the destruction of the environment.
Styles of Small Clear Cellophane Bags
There are a number of styles of small clear cellophane bags. Each has clear-cut features that would accommodate the needs for effective packaging.
- Flat clear bags
These bags exhibit good durability and provide protection against moisture and air making them perfect for storing small and flat items like greeting cards, business cards, documents and books, and even candies, chocolates and lollipops. There are two types of flat small clear bags, namely, open-ended and re-sealable top.
- Cone-shaped clear bags
As the name suggests, they resemble ice cream cones made from clear cellophane. They are ideal for party treats and favors like candies and chocolates.
- Gusseted clear bags
These bags have gussets running on both sides to facilitate square expandability when filled. Gusseted clear cellophane bags are perfect for storing small gift baskets and giveaways.
Sizes of Small Clear Cellophane Bags
Small clear bags come in different sizes which slightly vary from one manufacturer to another, but these variations are hardly noticeable. The common sizes of flat cellophane bags are 2.5” by 5” and 3” by 5”. Meanwhile, cone-shaped bags come in 4” by 9” and 6” by 12”. The sizes for gusseted cellophane bags are 2.5” by 6”, 3.5” by 7.5” and 3” by 11”.
Finding Cheap Deals for Small Clear Cellophane Bags
Cheap deals on small clear bags help people stay within their budget when wrapping gifts or promotional items in small cellophane bags. Getting good deals can be done through the following means:
- Buying in bulk
This effectively keeps the cost of small cellophane bags low and is a sure way to have a regular supply of beautiful and functional gift wrappers.
- Sales and promotions
Stores offer cellophane bags at reduced prices during sales to attract more buyers and at the same time reward loyal patrons.
- Do-it-yourself
Anyone can create his or her own small clear cellophane bags from cellophane rolls. This may require a little bit of learning and time, but the rewards are truly gratifying.
Presenting a heartwarming gift or coming up with a more attractive product is a lot easier with small clear cellophane bags. These bags not only effectively hold your creations or gifts, but they also add simple elegance to the whole package without requiring you to shell out a fortune.

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- Small Cellophane Bags
- Small Cellophane Candy Bags
- Small Cellophane Favor Bags
- Small Cellophane Gifts Bags
- Small Clear Cellophane Bags
- Cellophane Bags
- Cellophane Bags For Occassions
- Clear Cellophane Bags
- Colored Cellophane Bags
- Cone Shaped Cellophane Bags
- Extra Large Cellophane Bags
- Food Cellophane Bags
- Large Cellophane Bags
- Types Of Cellophane Bags
- What Can Cellophane Bags Be Used For