Cellophane bags are some of the most useful items to have around the household. Quick, convenient, affordable and effective, no home should be without a few of these lying around. However, it is important to be familiar with the different types of cellophane bags in order to make sure that you have the right one for your needs.
Cellophane bags are made of transparent, paper-thin plastic film. Typically designed with a foldable over bottom, they can be used for anything and everything from wrapping candy and chocolates, to storing items such as dried flowers and potpourri. Different types of cellophane bags are also often used for gift baskets.
The best types of cellophane bags are made out of shrink proof material that can be sealed with a heat sealer. It would also be a good idea to look for types of cellophane bags that are approved by the FDA for food storage use. These types of cellophane bags are particularly useful as gift bags, which can easily be placed in a basket, filled with gifts and tied with a ribbon, making for an attractive looking package.
The most common types of cellophane bags are:
- Standard Flat Cellophane Bags
- Heavy Duty Flat Cello Bags
- Standard Square Cellophane Bags
- Heavy Duty Square Style Cello Bags
Standard flat cellophane bags
The standard types of cellophane bags are made of clear film and are quite stiff. These types of cellophane bags provide excellent protection from moisture and oxidation. Typically designed with a fold over bottom, these types of cellophane bags maintain the position of the items contained, preventing breakage and moving around. Some of these types of cellophane bags come with a solid front that reinforces the package.
Heavy duty flat cello bags
Heavy duty cellophane bags are usually thicker than standard, although they are still transparent. Like the standard types of cellophane bags, these provide excellent protection against moisture and oxygen, making them ideally suited for keeping food fresh. Also fitted with reinforcing solid fronts and a fold over bottom, these cellophane bags make the perfect choice for situations when added strength is needed for packing heavier items.
Standard square cellophane bags
These types of cellophane bags are basically identical to standard cellophane bags in terms of thickness and transparency. The main difference is that they are designed with gussets along both sides and a fold over bottom. This allows you to pack items upright without worrying about them falling over. These types of cellophane bags are ideally suited to storing items that have to be in an upright position, such as bottles, jars or vases. The design of these types of cellophane bags also allows you to stand the package upright without any support.
Heavy duty square style cello bags
These types of cellophane bags are designed in similar form to flat style cellophane bags, with a thicker film that is just as transparent. Designed specifically for packing heavy items, these types of cellophane bags come with gusseted sides and a square fold over bottom.

- Home
- Types Of Cellophane Bags
- Cellophane Basket Bags
- Cellophane Bottle Bags
- Cellophane Cake Bags
- Cellophane Candy Bags
- Cellophane Card Bags
- Cellophane Chocolate Bags
- Cellophane Christmas Bags
- Cellophane Christmas Gift Bags
- Cellophane Clear Bags
- Cellophane Cone Bags
- Cellophane Cone Shaped Bags
- Cellophane Cupcake Bags
- Cellophane Favor Bags For Weddings
- Cellophane Favor Bags
- Cellophane Favour Bags
- Cellophane Food Bags
- Cellophane Food Gift Bags
- Cellophane Gift Bags For Cookies
- Cellophane Gift Bags
- Cellophane Gift Basket Bags
- Cellophane Goodie Bags
- Cellophane Goody Bags
- Cellophane Greeting Card Bags
- Cellophane Gusset Bags
- Cellophane Gusseted Bags
- Cellophane Lollipop Bags
- Cellophane Packaging Bags
- Cellophane Party Bags
- Cellophane Party Favor Bags
- Cellophane Plastic Bags
- Cellophane Pretzel Rod Bags
- Cellophane Resealable Bags
- Cellophane Sweet Bags
- Cellophane Treat Bags
- Cellophane Wedding Favor Bags
- Cellophane Wine Bags
- Christmas Cellophane Bags
- Cellophane Bags
- Cellophane Bags For Occassions
- Clear Cellophane Bags
- Colored Cellophane Bags
- Cone Shaped Cellophane Bags
- Extra Large Cellophane Bags
- Food Cellophane Bags
- Large Cellophane Bags
- Small Cellophane Bags
- What Can Cellophane Bags Be Used For